Our mission is to monitor and protect Australia's Malleefowl

The National Malleefowl Recovery Group (NMRG) has been operating since 1989 and has representatives from ACT, NSW, SA, Vic & WA.

The main purpose of the National Malleefowl Recovery Group is carrying out the National Recovery Plan to help save the endangered Malleefowl in all regions of Australia.

One of the main actions being done by the NMRG is monitoring the health of Malleefowl populations across Australia to see what impact actions such as predator control and fire management have on breeding populations and species numbers.

malleefowl volunteers training in victorian mallee

National Malleefowl Monitoring Program

The National Malleefowl Monitoring Program is one of the largest single species monitoring programs in Australia. The Recovery Group coordinates the program to ensure that mounds are monitored in the same was in all regions, which is important for understanding population trends.

Feral Fox predates on malleefowl mound

Adaptive Management Project

The Adaptive Management Predator Experiment (AMPE) aims to understand the impacts that controlling predators has on Malleefowl populations. The Experiment is being run at sites across Australia. At each location, there are paired sites, one that is baited for foxes treatment site and one that is not control site).