National Malleefowl FORUM
A National Malleefowl Forum is held every two to four years.
The National Malleefowl forum is designed for those with an interest in conserving Malleefowl. It provides an opportunity for community groups, conservation agencies, research institutions, industry and interested individuals to hear the latest updates on research, technologies and conservation activities, as well as discuss strategies and actions to further progress the cause of Malleefowl conservation.
Forums provide motivation to continue in the work that we do, provide inspiration to look at and tackle new ways to help this species, and provide an avenue to meet new people and catch up with others, who have a shared interest in this special bird.
Previous national forums have been held in Adelaide, SA (1995), Mildura, Vic (2004), Katanning, WA (2007), Renmark, SA (2011), Dubbo, NSW (2014), Mildura VIC (2018), Geraldton WA (2021) with continued and in many areas growing support for the Malleefowl shown across the breadth of its range.
Proceedings of the 2021 (Geraldton), 2018 (Mildura) and 2014 (Dubbo) forums are available on the links below and the 1995 to 2011 Forum proceedings are available at the Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Team website accessed by the ‘Previous Forum Proceedings’ button